Less Anxious Life Tools


I’m so thrilled that you chose the EFT tool to help ease your anxiety in minutes!


That’s an empowering step in the right direction for living a less anxious life!

The Releasing My Anxiety Tapping Meditation is truly a fantastic tool to ease your anxiety fast




I know you want to be able to do more than merely address your anxiety when it gets overwhelming.


You want to be able to confidently take action steps towards creating the right environment for Designing a Less Anxious Life! 

You want to have a tool that will help you to see that recovering from anxiety truly is possible and believe it in your core.


You want to be able to clearly visualize how relaxed, calm and confident you can be in taking steps toward a LESS ANXIOUS LIFE becoming your new reality.  


And I have the tool for you!




Designing A less Anxious Life - A Guided Visualization Meditation


This is a very special meditation that has been created to help you to imagine that dream life with far less anxiety.


I created this tool for my anxiety coaching clients. It’s especially effective for those that have had anxiety for so long that they couldn’t even imagine what a LESS ANXIOUS LIFE could possibly be like.


They really didn’t think it was possible to overcome anxiety. They thought that they had tried everything and they were just stuck living an overwhelming, anxious life.


Doris Ward

This is what Doris had to say…


 “A meditation like no other! I’ve been experiencing a roller coaster of self-doubt and anxious feelings recently and as a result, overwhelm and lack of focus have been my sidekicks.


When I pressed play I was put at ease with Brenda’s soothing voice as she began to introduce the practice. After this settling, I simply listened to her voice as she led me through a gentle series of breathing prompts then the MOST powerful parts started to happen…


I was guided to think about letting go, being intentional and believing that it was possible to overcome my anxiety.


She continued to provide a safe opportunity to be curious about trusting myself in making the right decisions for myself.


This meditation is something special to make positive changes within yourself. I know I will be coming back to this meditation again because stress and anxiety are a part of life and this will be a tool I can add to my self-care toolbox.”

This meditation recording is loaded with features to help you change your mindset and be truly open to taking confident actions toward Designing A Less Anxious Life.


In this meditation, we leverage the power of visualization. If you allow your brain to repeatedly imagine how amazing your life could really be without overwhelming anxiety, your brain begins to believe that this is your reality.


When you believe it's possible…you unconsciously start taking the steps necessary to live a Less Anxious Life. Your thoughts, actions and behaviours start to reflect that less anxious life and you start making it happen.


The Designing A Less Anxious Life practice is a powerful guided meditation in part because it’s created with a number of science-based techniques to help you visualize a less anxious life and truly believe that it is possible to overcome anxiety.


This practice is a synergy of 5 powerful techniques including:

Binaural Beats: This recording features binaural beats within the background music to effortlessly take you into a Theta brainwave state, which is optimal for meditation.


This Theta brainwave state helps to relax your conscious mind so that your subconscious mind can really absorb the positive messaging.


Heart Breathing: a simple and effective way to feel more relaxed, calm and grounded.


Affirmations: strong, positive statements affirming your desires that get more powerful with repetition. Your brain starts accepting the statements as fact and you deeply believe them to be true.


Visualization: visualizing our goals has a potent influence on our ability to see our goals coming true. The more you practice visualizing, the more it prepares your mind and body for the steps you take to reach your goals.


Neuro-Linguistic Programming: NLP is an intentional use of language to bring about positive changes in thoughts and behaviour.


This meditation practice may sound like it’s so full of techniques that it may be complicated but that couldn’t be farther from the truth.


All you need to do is simply press play, listen to this relaxing guided meditation, start believing in every cell of your body that overcoming anxiety truly IS possible and begin noticing how you effortlessly start taking action towards making a Less Anxious Life your new reality.


You can own this transformational resource for only $11


The EFT practice will undoubtedly help you to feel less anxious but Designing a Less Anxious Life can be the catalyst for helping you to feel more confident in creating a more balanced, peaceful, joyful,  less anxious life.




I've discovered that with the right strategies, the right tools and the right support that overcoming anxiety truly is possible.

It would be my honour to support you in overcoming your anxiety.

Click the button below to schedule a Less Anxious Mini-Session, a 15 minute call to learn a powerful technique and feel less anxious fast. 

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